Rules / 规则
(1) A lap must be completed to be counted. Partial laps will not be counted. 完整的一圈才会被计数。不完整的圈数是不会被统计的。
(2) Age: the minimum age to compete is 16 unless participating as part of a family team with parents. 年龄:最小参赛者的年龄是16岁,除非是作为家庭的成员和父母一起参与到比赛中。
(3) Each runner must complete his or her lap before another runner begins If a lap has been partially completed, it cannot be counted if another team mate begins his or her segment before it is finished. 每一个跑步者必须在另一个跑步者开始之前完成他/她的圈数。如果一圈只完成了部分,还没有全部完成前,另一个队友已经开始他/她的段程,那么这一圈将不被统计。
(4) At any given time each team can have only one official participant completing a qualified lap. Two or more team mates can run/walkat the same time; however, only one will be the official participant for the lap and only one lap will be counted for the team. 在任何规定时间内,每一个团队只能有一位参赛者完成合格的圈数。在同一时间段内,可以有2个或者更多的队友一起跑步/步行,但是,只有一个是作为正式的参赛者计入圈数,并且只能记为一圈。
(5) Participants on each team can run in any order they choose, and the order can be changed over the course of the relay. 每队的参赛者可以自由选择跑步顺序,并且这个顺序可以在后面的接力赛中改变。
(6) Participants can run/walk more than 1 lap in a row. 参赛者可以连续跑/走多于一圈。
(7) Teamates do not need to run/walk equal distances. 每位队友不需要跑步/走路相等的距离。
(8) To officially finish the race as part of your team you must complete at least 3 laps over 24 hours. 每位队友在24小时内必须至少跑/走完3圈才说明你为你的团队正式完成了你的部分。
(9) At night participants on the coursemust wear a light. This can be either a head light or a flashing light on their person. 晚上,在跑的参赛者必须携带一盏灯,可以是头灯或者身上的荧光灯。
(10) If there is any disagreement about the rules, the race director has the final say. 如果对规则 有任何异议,赛事总监有最终决定权。